Tourist / Visitor Visas (Part 4)
Author: Joseph P. Murphy, Esq., Allegheny Immigration Group
Release Date: 12/27/2019 (YouTube)
Author’s Statement:
This is part 4 of a transcription of my video on tourist visas which you can see here. If you, or someone you care about need legal services related to filing for, extending, traveling on, or any other matter related to a B Tourist Visa, please call my office at (412)521-2000 or my cell at (412)973-3442. You can also email me at Please visit, like and share the Allegheny Immigration Group Facebook page and the Allegheny Immigration Group Youtube Channel.
I discourage strongly overstaying B Visa, particularly latter the fact that we can get you an extension of another six months without having to go home. In most cases, it’s relatively inexpensive process. I think the whole thing here goes out of the door, including filing fees for around 1200 bucks. And then we get you another six months in the United States if you wanted to extend B Visa. But overstaying the B Visa is a very bad idea. Similarly, if you wanna change your purpose in the United States, we can help you with that too. And again for a similar fee, around 1200bucks, including filing fees. And that process will be change of status. For example, if you are here as a tourist and decide you wanna engage in classes, , take a class in something you found interesting while you are here, you would then want to switch to what’s called an F Status, that’s a student visa. And that would allow you to stay as a student and those have very nice long duration. And that’s how long you’re in classes, so it’s the duration of your studies instead of 180 days. Neither B nor F people can work. A B visa holder is not allowed to do any work of any type. That would be a violation of the B Visa status and an immigration crime. It will make you subject to deportation. So I would strongly discourage working and getting caught working on a B Visa.
So, that’s it. There is nothing for you, the citizen or resident of the United States to do to get a B Visa for your foreign friend or family members. There’s a little bit that I could do to help you help them. But it’s not something we’d apply for with USCIS. There’s no letter that you have to send them or invitation or assurances you have to give the government. It really is based on your foreign friend or family member, whoever it is that wants to come visit overcoming the presumption of immigrant intent and that’s done by showing the temporary nature of the visit, the ties to the home country, the lack of ties here, the lack of activities that are going to result in the formation of ties here. We provide advisory services for people that are trying to get a B Visa for their friends and family overseas. We do that on an hourly basis. If you have any interest in that, you can go ahead and call me. My name is Joe Murphy. I am a lawyer with Allegheny Immigration Group by office number is 4125 21 2000. My cell, text and WhatsApp are all the same number, 4129 73 3442. If you haven’t tried WhatsApp, I strongly encourage you. It’s a pretty neat app. (It’s), you download, it’s free for android, iOS. You can text, chat, even video chat worldwide. It’s free. It’s international. It’s encrypted. So, it’s a great tool for immigration lawyers like myself and it very good for you too. The encryption end-to-end is a nice privacy feature and again it’s free for iOS and Android. You can download that on the App store.